Joanne & Damian do Raleigh

Exploring life from a different perspective

Training with a difference

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With less than a month to go now, before we land in Costa Rica, the excitement level here at the Withers household is only just containable. Having our leaving party recently had meant that reality had sank in for us  already and our training with Raleigh this last weekend has meant that this is really it now.

This weekend has highlighted to me just how professional, thorough, humble and exciting Raleigh International is as an organisation. The work this team put in across the world is highly impressive and I am looking forward to seeing their activities in-country.

Heading down to Sussex on Thursday evening, Damian and I were wondering what to expect on our training weekend, especially after all the surprises on the assessment weekend, but we had guessed incorrectly. We came away with so much more than imagined and feel totally committed to the projects.

Everything from understanding the vision and mission of Raleigh, to self-reflection, working as part of a team, understanding differing values, cultural identity and inspiring young adults. I personally came away with the confidence that I have chosen an amazing path to venture down.

I won’t go in to detail on the training, so as not to spoil it for anyone who may be undertaking Raleigh in the future, but I can’t praise the trainers enough. There is a reason these people are asked to be in these motivational roles.

I come away with a list of personal qualities, written by those in my peer group that I had only met this weekend, that meant I had to fight back the tears. Thank you everyone who wrote something on that list. I come away with new friends. I come away motivated and inspired. I come away excited that I can share this experience with Damian. I come away knowing that little actions can make a difference. I come away determined to give Raleigh my all.

The countdown is on …..!

Jo x

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One thought on “Training with a difference

  1. Woohoo…not long now 🙂

    Sent from my iPad


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